Sjoe, what a week ... first the almost unusually warm weather mid week followed by arguably the coldest Gauteng weather in recent memory. All this temperature yo-yoing left me with a slight cold which is not cool to say the least and not being able to eat my usual fair under these circumstances made me feel pretty miserable by weeks end.
Luckily all that misery cleared away quite quickly after my weigh in on Saturday morning when I learned that I dropped another 4.3 kilograms during the week. (Meaning I'm now at 11.1 kg lost in 3 weeks and 175.5kg overall) Speaking of this rapid weight loss I cannot stress enough that in reality any normal person with a slight to mild overweight problem cannot and shouldn't try to emulate these results. Most diet experts advocate a 2-3 kilo per month weight loss as being ideal and anything more is only setting yourself up for failure in the long term ... I'm no diet expert but when starting from such an extreme size as I did and simply switching to eating correctly it makes totally sense. Under no circumstances am I starving myself to death but I'm also not quite eating as much as the excellent BMR calculator over at Fat 2 Fit Radio suggests I should (I would like to reach my goal weight before reaching retirement age!) and I'm also under no illusion that this rapid trend will continue. A plateau will be reached where my body simply accepts my new calorific intake and weight loss will come to an almost standstill at which stage I hope (hold thumbs) I can kick things up a notch by starting to exercise a bit more (or let's be honest, actually start to exercise, at the moment I'm doing sweet bugger all in terms of actual exercise)
As a final note this week, last night was my first braai (or barbeque for those not from the great continent of Africa) with a bunch of friends since starting this whole diet thing. Fully expecting the same bunch of asses who continually mocked me for being a fat ass now tuning me for not eating half a cow or drinking a dozen beers with them, it actually came as quite a surprise to find them full of encouraging remarks and being totally supportive of my weight loss goals! So ja, I may not have been the life of the party but one day I'll join you again for a drink (or two or three) and at least I don't have a major hangover this morning like most of you probably have! :-)
Thanx guys, with friends like you around it certainly makes this journey I'm undertaking much more tolerable!
OK, the previous "note" was not so final ... for the week ahead I don't really foresee any difficulties but if this cold weather continues I'll try to make some sort of soup from whatever veg/protein I'm allowed. I'm starting to develop a small craving for my parents veggie soup (they make the most awesome 10-12 liter pot of veggie soup every weekend for consumption the week ahead but unfortunately it's laden with all sorts of starches and meat that I'm not allowed to have), my attempt will be a poor substitute for sure but it will have to do as sort of a consolation prize! Speaking of cravings I was also surprised not be tempted by the copious amounts of fillet, rump steak, spare ribs, boerewors and choppies that were on the braai last night. Sure it smelled divine and looked absolutely freaking awesome but my lonesome spiced up chicken breast looked equally enticing on the coals and at the end of the day it was delicious! (OK OK, I'll admit those chops made my mouth water but luckily I didn't give in to temptation)
So there you go, that really was my last comment for the week which makes your misery of reading update #2 done and dusted ... Thanx for your support and please don't hesitate to leave a comment, I most definitely read everyone of them and really appreciate the effort it takes!
Same time, same place next week ... Cheers!